Saturday, September 10, 2011


Well, there is only so much I can talk about transition and change when it doesn't factor largely in my life right now. Instead, I decided I would post a little bit about the other areas of my life.

This is Georgy. (Yes, I named my bike.)

Georgy and I met one afternoon in Illinois at a police auction three years ago. He wasn't the best of the bikes there, but we cast our bid and a mere $30 bucks later he became mine. We've had quite the history now (snow, thunderstorms, a car accident...) but what I think I enjoy the most about Georgy is how he helps me to enjoy the little things. Riding a bike to and from work slows me down to a pace where I can observe my surroundings. 

For instance, just the other day I cycled past a sporty car with glittery red paint. Perhaps I should clarify: the car glittered because there were actual sparkles embedded in the paint. It made me smile because the sparkles reminded me of a My Little Pony, or perhaps a car for Barbie & Ken or something. There was also the extremely large turtle that just sat by the side of the road (not to be confused with the medium-sized turtle that was smashed on the side of the road for weeks.) And finally, I cannot neglect to mention the old man on the sidewalk that suddenly swerved in front of me yelling "Yee-HAW!"

These are the little things I would miss without my friend Georgy. I'm actually not one to bike for fun much, but for that short span of minutes between my house and my office, it's nice to take a break from the quandaries of life and enjoy the quirks. (And she awkwardly works in the blog title...)


  1. Shiny things are fun! So are not-smashed turtles. I am very fond of my bike as well (used to be Dad's) but it has no name. I enjoyed biking to work for several years as well (except for in inclement weather - not as fun.) One time I was in a bike lane between two vehicles whose drivers were arguing with each other over my head. I would also pass a Catholic school and the kids would be in morning recess as I passed. One shouted "nice helmet!" - I think mockingly, since my helmet is a horrid bright yellow color.

  2. this was a fun read. It reminds me of the turtle the boy I am mentoring rescued from the middle of the road. it was a box turtle.

  3. Thankfully the live turtle I saw was in a secluded part of campus and in no danger of being squashed.

    Christy, that's funny. I think I would have struggled not to laugh if I had two people arguing on either side of me, as long as it wasn't too serious.
