Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I am a compulsive fidget-er. One of my early memories consists of me trying to sit on my mother's lap during church and she, understandably, having to move me off because I couldn't sit still. I was dubbed a "wiggle worm" and deservedly so. I've always maintained this is one of the reasons why I took to playing an instrument so readily. My fingers don't like to remain still and music is a great occupation for them... so is doodling. My school papers generally had very neat precise outlined notes on one side and margins filled from top to bottom with patterns, picture fragments, and ornate letters on the other.

I haven't seemed to break this habit and honestly haven't found any real need to. However, since the majority of my Arabic learning is spent listening to recordings of my lessons, I've had to brain-storm some ideas of how to keep my hands occupied (picking at callouses or the dirt under my nails not generally being acceptable or preferable...) During the winter I would knit. As it is now too hot for me to want to handle anything warm, I have taken to sketching. Thankfully I have wonderful blank walls and grateful friends that I can distribute to, so I'm not inundated with my drawings.


Matthew 11:28 - 30 in Arabic


  1. I likey your drawings wiggle worm. Nice mix of various "homes" you have and had.

  2. I love them all! Is the top one of the Mpls skyline? If it is, I think that's my favorite :)

    1. It's actually based from a photo of Seoul, South Korea. However, I know exactly which view you're thinking of in Mpls and now that you mention it, there are definite similarities. Perhaps when I was drawing the one skyline I unconsciously superimposed the other from my memory ;)
